Nu|Vision is a new software matching tool based on Holographic Scaling Technology. We realize the power of synergy, therefore we work in cooperation with organizations that have expert knowledge in their respective fields. We utilize Scaling Technology in the engine behind Nu|Vision. This is based on the latest Quantum technology empowered by Scalin™.
Nu|Vision can be used to analyze the hologram of the body. With this analysis we are able to see what information is affecting your body. Nu|Vision is a “matching” tool using Scalin technology. Nu|Vision can “match” or find coherence with the most relative remedies, solutions, ideas, statements, affirmations, etc. Imagine muscle testing 50,000 items on one person in 1 minute! That’s the power behind Scalin technology.
After discovering that computers where capable to do similar experiments without a human operator present, we created a service infrastructure which uses the distributed nature of the internet to empower our clients. It is now possible to schedule fully-automated “reconnect sessions” after analyzing which information may benefit an entity under study.
The non-local holographic principle is an immense force of change in the world. Just as a hologram contains the original image in all of its many parts, any change made to just one of those segments becomes reflected everywhere throughout the pattern. A single change in one place can make a difference everywhere. The subtle power of the hologram is that it offers us the leverage to make a tremendous change on a large scale by altering a pattern in only one place.
This principle is how the Reconnect function of Constitution Scan can balance living organisms by projecting beneficial information onto them.
Read more about Nu|Vision here: Nu|Vision USA
Session Fee $150.00